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Forums / General Topics / does the Nokia version differ from the BlackBerry ...


Subject:does the Nokia version differ from the BlackBerry version (0.6.4)? 



Maastricht, The Netherlands

Phone Model:
BlackBerry Bold

Hi Stephen,

I was investigating why my Nokia 6234 wouldn't upload to the TMJ-website. And I remembered having seen an entry in the settings page to manually enter some APN stuff. But ... I couldn't find it in the Nokia settings page. Since I also use a BlackBerry with TMJ, I had a look in its settings page and found that the settings page differs between terminal models. Was this done with a specific reason in mind?



btw: still haven't found why my Nokia wouldn't upload, the BB is working fine.



Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Yes, the settings page is slightly different for the BlackBerry version since only BlackBerrys allow the APN settings to be controlled via Java, whilst other phones just use the default internet settings.

Does your 6234 not give any options to change the internet data settings? On my SE W910 there is an option in Settings/Connectivity/Internet Settings to choose a connection profile (eg: Contract WAP, Contract Internet, PAYT WAP, etc). If there is an option for this try the *Internet* rather than WAP profile.

When you try and connect in TMJ what is displayed in the 'Snt/Rcd/Fld' field on the General text page, or does the 'Last Web Response' on the GPS/WEB page give any clue? (If there is an error when connecting the error is displayed in this field rather than the Event Log).

Is the phone able to access the internet fine in other programs?




Maastricht, The Netherlands

Phone Model:
BlackBerry Bold

Aha, that explains the difference in settings between the models.

I'm a bit confused as why the Nokia won't upload anymore: I went out for a walk yesterday evening and I saw that it did record a few points on the website. But after that ... no go anymore. As an insider, I know that VF is working on the public APNs in the Netherlands, but that would be too much of a coincidence if it played a rol yesterday.

The snt/rcd/fld field looks good: xx/xx/0, however: the last webresponse remains empty (so: no error message). And that gave me the clue that something went wrong. Don't put too much effort in it, I'll keep on investigating myself. The phone is able to access the web normally (I downloaded TMJ v0.6.4 recently). Thanks for your suggestions though.





Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

One thing you might try...

Here in the UK Vodafone have an account option to transform any web data sent to the phone so that it displays better on a small mobile screen (you might know more about this than I do!!). Don't know if Vodafone NL do the same but if so it might be worth disabling it to ensure that any data sent to the phone from TMJ isn't distorted. (My webserver does send a 'No-Transform' header to try and prevent Vodafone from messing with the data, but maybe this doesn't always work properly).

Anyhow, for Vodafone UK it can be enabled/disabled by going to Vodafone Live on the phone, Account Settings, Web Preferences, then tick 'Do Not Adapt Any Sites', etc...

Any luck?


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