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Forums / General Topics / Wishlist - alternate profiles


Subject:Wishlist - alternate profiles 



Hi Stephen,
One more thing, it's not even a suggestion. With the recent possiblilty to use different profiles I found myself often alternating between two of them, the "driving" profile and my custom geocaching profile. Basically I'm doing this every time I'm getting out or into the car. I wonder if there would be a way of alternating between two selected profiles with a single keypress. Any ideas ?



Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

There is an Activity Profile option for the Zero Key Shortcut setting, if you're not using the [0] for anything else. Otherwise the problem is that there aren't any more standard keys left to dedicate to a single function!
Or is it that you'd prefer the [0] key to just toggle between the two profiles, rather than cycle through all of them?



Yes, I'm using the zero key (I wish there were more for more functions ;-)
But that cycling through the profiles each time is tedious if you are doing this often.

My personal feeling is that some keys are wasted for the not-so-frequently used screens but optimizing the "keys ergonomics" would probably require some survey on the most frequently used functions.

Hmm, how about making more keys "user definable", beyond the zero key ? The default functions could be the current screens (which could be also accessible through a menu) but the more adventurous users could define their own functions (and save the config, and maybe even share some more complex configs with other users?). That would be cool :-)



Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

Mmmm, to be honest I'd rather not change the 1-9 number keys. It seems to fit quite nicely having 9 screens and 9 handy keys to switch between them. Also, since many of these number keys have a secondary use when pressed a second time (eg [2] changes the waypoint sort order, [3] selects the next routepoint, etc) this would then also need to be re-coded.

Does the N95 have any other keys dotted around? For example, do the media keys under the top of the slider do anything whilst TMJ is running? If you turn on 'Show Debug Info' then press each key in turn the 'KC' keycode is displayed screen (though only if the phone gives Java access to that key). I may then be able to customise some of these extra keys, if they don't affect any other bit of the phone.

For example, on the W910/SE-JP8 version the two media keys above the screen can be used to switch forwards and backwards between each page, and the volume up/down keys mimic the */# keys for zooming in and out (though this doesn't always work great since the volume is also changed at the same time!!)

One other idea for the Profiles - how about if each one had a tickbox in the settings menu to 'Use with Zero-key' - ie you could just define two profiles that would be selectable via the zero key, without having to cycle through each one...?



First I looked for the unused keys. It seems that the media and volume keys are not recognized.
The spare keys on N95 are:
-10 (the green handset, I think it does nothing in TMJ?)
-50 (the "edit" key)
-8 (the "clear" key)
But probably you would not like to make changes that would be so much dependent on the model,
or do you think this would do no harm to the other phones ?

As for the tickboxes - yes that would be helpful, would this work with the "shortcuts" menu as well ?
(I'm using the shortcuts menu with the zero key, as it also gives me quicker access to "new wypoint",
"pause track recording", "night colours", "new track section", "select nearest waypoint" besides the profile

I guess making the shortcuts menu customizable would make things too complex ?

Another thing that I'm often turning on and off is "zoom with autopan",
mostly because I want it to auto-zoom only when I have a waypoint selected
and prefer to manually control the zoom when there is none.
This is accessible from the plan screen with three keypresses,
so I've learnt to do it semi-automatically (unselect waypoint, change to the plan screen,
open the plan options menu, then "4" and "2" and here you go - does not require too much
attention). However the "profile cycling" process is more interactive, and requires to look
at the display to select the right options with the arrow keys :-(

BTW. I've noticed that the shortcuts menu works with number keys, too for the first 9 items. Alas the profiles
and select nearest waypoint fall out of this range. Would you add the corresponding
digits to each row of the menu, or are you conserving the space here ?



Bedfordshire, UK

Phone Model:
Sony Ericsson W770i, Blackberry Playbook(?)

FWIW, I like the idea of being able to select which profiles are available to use. Generally, I only use Walking, Driving, and occasionally Cycling so if I could somehow hide or delete all the others, it would make slecting the correct one a little easier.




Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

" But probably you would not like to make changes that would be so much dependent on the model,
or do you think this would do no harm to the other phones ? "

I was thinking more along the lines of having a way to enter the keycodes manually (by first finding them via the Debug Info) to customise the extra keys, so that way it wouldn't be dependant on model. Only a thought though - certainly won't be implemented for a while. Its a shame that only those three keys are available on the N95. I'd say its probably best not to touch the green handset key or edit key as these already have very distinct functions themselves. (If the phone rings for example, the handset key would probably still answer the call, so TMJ's action in this case might be affected).
Incidentally the Clear key is in fact already recognised in TMJ, though I haven't given it a use (except to close the menu) since its usual use on the phone is as a 'Delete' function, and I didn't want to confuse this by using it for something different in TMJ. I suppose it could be used as an optional secondary 'Zero Key' type shortcut though...?

" As for the tickboxes - yes that would be helpful, would this work with the "shortcuts" menu as well ? "
Yes, I'll definitely add this into the next version.

" I guess making the shortcuts menu customizable would make things too complex ? "
I think for the moment I'd rather not go down this route - more complexity as you say!!

" I've noticed that the shortcuts menu works with number keys, too for the first 9 items. Alas the profiles
and select nearest waypoint fall out of this range. Would you add the corresponding
digits to each row of the menu, or are you conserving the space here ? "

I'm sure there was a reason why I hid the numbers, but I've forgotton what it was now!! I've added them back for the next version, and have rearranged the order so that the profiles are accessible by a digit...



Surrey, UK

Phone Model:
BB 9800 Torch
BlackBerry 8900
SE W910i
Nokia 5800

" Another thing that I'm often turning on and off is "zoom with autopan", mostly because I want it to auto-zoom only when I have a waypoint selected and prefer to manually control the zoom when there is none. "

I've just tested this whilst out on a walk and I agree its pointless having the AutoZoom on if there is nothing else to fit in the view (eg Selected Waypoint, Route, Track etc), so I've altered the next version so that you should be able to just leave AutoZoom switched on and it will only come into effect when a Waypoint or Routepoint is selected (or the Include Current Track Section option is ticked).



Great. Thanks.



Now, after I've upgraded to 0.6.3 and now 0.6.4 I want to say again, how much I appreciate the fact that I do not have to cycle through all the profiles each time. It may seem as small change but it makes a lot of difference.

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