Forum: General Topics
Forums / General Topics / Build in GPS SE W760i
Subject: | Build in GPS SE W760i | |
horst 11:36 | Hi, does the SE C702 version support also the w760i. I tried to use the JSR-179 Internal GPS version. It seems to recognize the GPS, cause a "Int-GPS Signal Ok" massage is dispayed, but no data, e.g. postion is displayed. Perhaps I can try the C702 version too. Thx, Thomas | |
Stephen 12:09 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Thomas, Yes, hopefully it will work the same - I've emailed it to you off-list... Cheers, Stephen | |
horst 12:17 | Hi Stephen, thanks so far. But i did not receive anything by email. Thomas | |
Stephen 12:47 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Thomas, I've just had a message back saying: " Diese E-Mail wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht an den Empfänger ( - [your email address]) weitergeleitet, da ausführbare Dateien angehängt sind. " My German isn't too good!! - I assume this is saying that it couldn't be delivered?? Is the e-mail address that you registered with still current? Perhaps you could resend me it via the Feedback page. Cheers, Stephen | |
horst 6:50 | Hi Stephen, the TMJ works well with my SE W760i. It's a fantastic application. So far I used in my car on my way to work, I exported the track to .txt and found out that the "resolution" the track is recorded is 5sec. Is there a way to decrease this cause I'd like to use it as a sports tracker. I only found a way to increase it in the settings section. Best regards, Thomas | |
Stephen 9:41 Location: Phone Model: | Hi Thomas, In the Settings can you not just reduce Min Time between Points to a lower figure, eg 3 secs? (You might need to also reduce the Min Distance Between Points too for this to have an effect). If this doesn't seem to make any difference it might be due to the internal GPS only supplying a reading every 5 seconds - how often do the text readouts/map position etc update? A bluetooth GPS usually updates once per second, but the internal GPS doesn't always give such a frequent update, sometimes as long apart as 5 seconds. (I might be able to tweak this slightly in the next version, so let me know)... Incidentally, for recording walking or running, a 5 second interval should be just about sufficient anyhow - at 10km/h this would result in a new trackpoint every 15m or so, which should provide a fair amount of track detail. Cheers, Stephen | |
horst 9:54 | Hi Stephen, I will try it this evening. I will tell you tomorrow how it worked. Thomas | |
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